Videk DocuVision Pro solution is an independent—but fully integrated—integrity system
for inkjet and toner printers. It delivers unsurpassed document verification and security.

In any printing environment, errors can happen. The entire process—from document composition to loading the incorrect stock, to the occasional print quality error compounded by an unreliable inspection protocol—leaves the operation at risk, especially when printing money.
Banking & Finance
DocuVision Pro uses
full-page imaging to look at every document throughout production.
Utilizing proprietary software, the document is analyzed for critical information, including:
Check numbers
Account numbers
MICR lines
If an error is detected, the
system goes into action:
The operator is notified through an on-screen message
A machine light is illuminated
The errant document is diverted to the reject bin
The printer comes to a controlled stop
Data about the entire run is tracked, recorded and saved
in an independent database:
Generate audit, security, or reference reports
Summarize check runs and alert for out of sequence or error conditions
Videk's vision-based inspection technology results in 100% accountability of all checks printed.
Financial communications are customer-critical items that provide high-value transactional, transpromo, and one-to-one communications. It is essential to maintain accountability over the quality and data integrity of every page produced, while also creating efficiencies wherever possible to ensure that your competitive edge grows while costs shrink.
Every day, Videk helps major financial institutions by implementing real-time inspection & data management technology to overcome quality, productivity, and efficiency hurdles in applications ranging from high-volume credit card statement printing to personalized booklet production.
Videk customers significantly reduce manual labor costs while increasing overall integrity assurance
Eliminate sources of costly waste in time and resources
Ensure document processability & negotiability throughout mailing, finishing, and transactional environments
Assure the data security of every document produced & eliminate the potential for privacy incidents
Meet customers’ uncompromising standards of document quality – including full-color quality assurance
Top Applications:
Print Quality Inspection - detecting common corruptions including streaks, voids, and registration errors
Color Quality Monitoring - inspecting each page to ensure critical color quality and brand standards are met
MICR and Barcode Verification - verification of optical readability to ensure seamless, accurate processing
Front-to-Back Matching - assurance of sensitive data security
Custom Booklet Assembly Integrity - monitoring page-level production of individualized booklets
Forms Verification - automated per-page assurance of correct form usage for the job
Production Reporting - detailed analytics for proof of work, job accounting and regulatory compliance